Welcome to the Elf Blog.
Every once in a while, I post my thoughts on living as an elf in Chattanooga. Even though I don’t see or experience the world in the same way as many other people, I sure do find a lot of things fascinating! I like to post when I’m excited or when something interesting happens! My hope is that you’ll find it interesting too.

I didn’t watch the Olympics correctly
As the 2021 Olympics wind down, I am just now realizing that I’ve been watching them the wrong way this entire time. I’m curious if I’m not the only one. Let me explain.

The battle that determines your future
What is the single most important thing that determines your future? Is it the things you do or the decisions you make? Not quite. Is it who you spent time with? Wrong again. What determines your future? It’s you - it’s who you are.

Why I don’t work at Starbucks
I don’t work at Starbucks, and I never have. Green is my color, so working there makes sense, but there’s a very good reason I don’t work there. Hint: It’s probably not what you think.

Running the red light
I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m starting a blog, and I have no clue where I’m headed. A blog? As an elf? Even when video is king? Yes. And I’ll tell you why.