Running the red light
I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m starting a blog, and I have no clue where I’m headed. A blog? As an elf? Even when video is king? Yes. And I’ll tell you why.
I have considered blogging in the past. But people told me to do this or that with my time instead. I even had people tell me outright, don’t do a blog. I’m still doing it - I’m running their red light. And this is the reason:
I believe I have something of value for you.
I don’t know if I’m right, but we’ll find out over time. Here is why I think can offer you value: (1) I learn things I can pass along. (2) I have thoughts about things. (3) I see things differently than others. I am the only elf around here that I know, after all. And (4) I’ve underestimated my value in the past.
When I first arrived in Chattanooga as an elf, I didn’t see the value others saw in me. I thought to myself: I’m fun and all, and I see people smiling when I’m around, but there’s no way strangers would actually want me to come to their parties. And even if they did, they surely wouldn’t pay me for it. I was wrong. I do have something to offer.
God designed me like this on purpose. I’ve been sent to Chattanooga for a reason. I have insights and talents and gleanings from life that I can offer to others, like you!
I don’t know where this blog train is headed, but here are some things I feel I may share about:
Food! (especially my thoughts regarding sugar)
Designing, woodworking, and DIY projects
Perspective on life
Growing spiritually
Making people smile
I don’t know how often I’ll post. But each time I post, my goal is to give you something of value. And I’m going to keep believing I have something to give you.
You have something to contribute to others too! Look at the way God has built and gifted you. What is something of value you have to offer people? Tell me about it in the comments below.